Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Me Againts Lust!

12:18 amOlivia

aku dari kemren berkelut sama topik skripsi

aku masih bingung2

terus disini banyak cobaan lagi




banyak hiburan, pacar,teman2

gak konsen aku


gak usah rempong ama isun,,,yg penting logika am penulisana...



aku mau bahas human right


yg uda punya pacar n temen...

masih virgin kan???



iya masih kok



klo human right kyna banyak teorina deh,,,jd bakal kebantu bgt logikana...

That’s not the very first time my best friend asked me about virginity since I arrived in Melbourne. It’s always been a big question for them all. I know that they wonder about it because they care of me as they know that Australian culture is very different with Indonesian culture.

So I wonder why it’s very important for keeping virginity from my religious n ethnic point of view. What’s the consequence of losing virginity before marriage? Here what I found from many sites and I was surprised by it.


“If I go into a grocery store and want to choose a good apple I can pick it up and look at it but I can't take a bite out of it then put it back. Having sex before marriage is taking a bite out of the apple before committing to it (buying it), leaving it for the next person. If I have sex with someone before marriage, I am likely having sex with someone else's future wife. I've been there.”

Then I wonder: “So what if you are pretty sure that she or he will be your future wife or husband?”

I answer my self : No body can predict their future. Maybe he or she or ur self die tomorrow. The world are big and people can easily change their mind. Even you are often not sure about yourself , so it’s impossible that you are sure about something else outside you. And how if somehow in the future you realize that you are not match each other than you break up but you had already did sex? break ups are much less painful if there has been no sex because there is less to regret and less tattering of the heart.

When you have sex before marriage, you will definitely (at least a bit) feel guilty for yourself. You know what? Because you know that it’s wrong. Because your conscience keep speaking in your deeper heart that that’s wrong. Yeah, that is!

These are the facts:

Teenager girls who have sex are 2x more likely to commit suicide than girls who practice abstinence. ("Point of View" Dec 10, 2004)

Teenage boys who have sex are 7x more likely to commit suicide than boys who are sexually abstinent. (ibid) .

Girls who have abortions are 6x more likely to commit suicide than those who don't.


As a human right activist, I know how precious our live is. Killing someone is fighting the basic things on human right coz no body have a right for separating your body with your soul esc The One who made it (GOD).

Alrite, you wanna know how desperate someone who did sex before marriage and have to kill their baby for their own selfish sake? Read this link

I put some part of his sad story here;

“Many abortions occurs because of failed contraception by people who were not open to life, before they jumped into bed. Before I became Christian and cleaned up my life I had a girlfriend who was a medical doctor. She was on the pill and knew how to use the pill. She got pregnant while using the pill properly. In our secular mind set, abortion looked like the logical solution. It was the worst mistake I've ever made in my life.”

you and me
have killed the seed
that was planted in our souls
now there's only you
and only me
and a memory of our world
we had it all and watched it blow
away, and where it goes
we haven't got a clue
nothing we can do

This is how he answered for all his dramatic troubles:

Yet even with these devastating facts, modern culture thinks everybody has to have sex before marriage. People who don't are viewed with pity or contempt. We wonder what is wrong with them. Psychiatrists have a field day with people who feel called to celibacy. Teenagers who want to wait until marriage are ridiculed by their peers. I don't believe the answer to our problems is more freedom using contraception and "safer sex" with condoms. I believe the solution is a personal relationship with Jesus and his call to chastity.

Sex creates an unbreakable bond for eternity with the sex partner. (1 Cor 6:16) That's why it needs to happen only within the eternal bond of marriage. One reason so few people are capable of intimacy today is because that spiritual centre of union with another person has been scattered in bits and pieces all over their previous partner's lives. They have been hurt and with each hurt they close down a little more.

Sex before marriage means broken hearts and broken bonds. Broken hearts don't trust others as much. People with broken hearts don't trust themselves as much. People think they should take a partner out for a "test drive" before getting married. But this hasn't made it easier to learn if the person is compatible because couples having sex often overlook important differences cause the sex is good. People who live together before marriage have a higher divorce rate.


The Bible speaks clearly against premarital sex. It describes marriage as a union between one man and one woman. When a man and a woman are married, they are no longer two but one. The act of sexual intercourse in and of itself is the joining together of two bodies to make them one. Having sex is more than just a physical act; it is also a spiritual and emotional one as well.

There are those that make for submitting to sex before marriage. These are not only ridiculous notions, but can also lead to participation in risky behaviors. The ideas that you need to know if your partner is "good" in bed or not ahead of time will supposedly save you a lot of displeasure later. The truth of the matter is, if it is your first time, you will have no idea what constitutes "good" sex, and if you partner has waited as well, you will both experience the beauty and intimacy of learning together.

Sexually transmitted diseases are a good example of the consequences of our sexual promiscuity as a society. If you do not engage in risky behaviors, and you are able to give yourself to someone who has also avoided premarital sex, you obviously will not have to worry about exposing yourself to the myriad of STD's, and the potential lifelong consequences you may have to face when you contract one. The possibility of contracting one of these infections is great. If untreated, they can lead to future problems with fertility, and the risk of passing along the infection to your spouse upon marriage. Millions of couples spend thousands of dollars per year on fertility treatments due to problems caused from untreated reproductive infections.

Unwanted pregnancy is also another lifelong consequence that can occur from engaging in premarital sex. There number of abortions and adoptions that occur each year due to unplanned pregnancies is alarming. Although sex is not just about baby-making, the person that you are intimate with should be someone that you wouldn't mind having a child with.

The act of sexual intercourse is best performed in a situation with whom you are emotionally, spiritually, and physically tied to. Who better than your spouse? Despite popular belief, once you engage in this activity with someone, you have become one with them. If you have a child, you are forever bond to that person. If you contract an STD, you are forever haunted by the consequences that occurred with that particular person, especially if it affects your ability to bear children one day with your spouse.

Premarital sex places the act of pleasure before learning the life lessons of self-control and self-respect. There was a reason that God prohibited sex prior to marriage, and if you look around at the disintegration of the family unit you will see why. Teen pregnancies, abortions, HIV/AIDS and other STD's, and the rise in the number of single parent households, have all contributed to the deterioration of the family. When we stray from what God intends for us to do, we always mess ourselves up.


Girls are to guard their hearts, by doing that they won't break-their-leg. Pretty soon the girls are getting their share of interest and many try to stay true to their promise. But they are finding it hard to stay true to their promise and the one they think they love. They are experiencing a real Catch-22: How are you suppose to prove your love to the one you love when momma told you long ago it's wrong to do such a thing if unmarried? It's tough being pulled in two direction. On one side the selfish love of a lustful suitor is in one ear and the loving love of a loving parent ringing loudly in the other. But some are broken by the persistence of the boy and the passion within their very being. So the guard comes down and they break their promise...and their leg. Sex starts here for many and continue on into adulthood long before marriage.

But sex was designed for the husband and his wife. To say that sex is for the pleasure of the married husband and his wife is true, but it's much deeper than that. What this entails is sex is set apart by a holy God. It's consecrated and exalted by divine sanction for the husband and his wife. They become one literally and figuratively. This intimacy is the ultimate loving, giving, caring and sharing, a composite of two becoming one. It's old-fashion and right, for everyone should keep themselves for their spouse or remain celibate according to the scriptures. Many of us failed to honor this command. I am ashamed to say, I'm guilty. I knew sex wasn't for temporary relationships. It's always been for the permanent relationship: marriage. What does sex between a husband and his wife say on the honeymoon night? It says they are both relinquishing control of their bodies (sexually) from this moment forward. Meaning his body belongs to her, her body belongs to him, it's a monogamous, giving, sharing and permanent relationship in every way.

If both the male and the female keep themselves until the honeymoon night, nature takes it's natural course: two virgins experiencing sexual intimacy for the first time as husband and wife. Sex between two virgins complete the most special of relationships. It's sacred, it's the ultimate connection. Marriage and sexual intimacy takes a relationship to a place that no other relationship can go. There isn't another by comparison in the expression of sharing, giving, love and oneness. It's an expression that's unmatched. And if they honor their vows there will never be a comparison.

So when you know that it’s wrong but everybody just do it, then should you do it? No rite?

Only oxymoron people who don’t know how to drive her/his lust did that.


Truth: “For lust is a shameful sin, a crime tat should be punished. It is a devastating fire that destroys to hell. It would wipe out everything I own. (Job 31:11-12)


Truth: “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” (1 Corinthinas 6:18-20)


Truth: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8)

“For the Lord is righteous, he loves righteous deeds, the upright shall behold his face.” (Psalm 11:7)

I’m sure but now become more sure that Christianity and my culture banning me for doing sex before marriage because they have a good reason behind it.

So, These are may last opinion about the important of keeping virginity.

“Condoms are based on lust, chastity is based on love”

“Love can wait. So when she/he couldn’t wait to have sex with you before marriage, she/he doesn’t really love you then. Maybe she/he thinks that he love you, but she/he actually just wants sex from you.”

P.S. I am still and will always be looking for a good Christian man who fully understand my feeling and can lead me through the rite thing which I've ignored these days.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

My Run Away Stanza

There is Nothing To Do With Me.

 Part 1.
Trial and Error. I keep on learning by doing mistakes. But it’s very fool when I’ve already know that it’s wrong but I still keep doing it.
I stay away just to save my life.
I come close because I like it.
There is nothing to do with them.
It’s all about me.
God watched it from above. Then He becomes angry as I’m not (and never) listening to Him.
Thus, He let Satan tempts me.
But still He commands His angle to protect me just in case Satan couldn’t keep his promise and goes to far with me.

Part 2.
I lost my faith when I go too far with all those philosophy books.
Nietzsche brought me too far to deepest of his thought.
By standing beside Nietzsche I can escape from the constructed world,
Unfortunately, I actually escape to an empty dimension.
The place where you even can’t lean your notion.
At first the paint started to pinch me.  But soon, I was enjoying it.
Now it’s gone. I miss my misery.

Part 3.
Now I even feel sick of myself.
Suicide is the best solution to those who deserve to die.
But losing someone’s soul is the most sinful thing in the universe.
You don’t have even a piece of right to divide a soul from its body.
Think before you act.
There are many important things outside beside your contentment.

Part 4.
This is still a long way to go.
Some other journey.
I stay here just to fulfil my previous vow.

to be continued...

Melbourne, 22 December 2009.

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Cerita Kegalauan Jiwa Part 2

Kali ini aku telah memasuki masa pra depersi. Berdiam di tempat tanpa tahu apa yang harus di lakukannya. Selalu seperti ini tiap enam bulan sekali. Hanya ingin tidur di kamar tanpa berbuat apa-apa. Ada banyak factor kenapa aku mengalami ini. Tapi salah satu cara mengurangi depresi yang bias kulakukan adalah dengan menulis. Karena dengan menulis aku bagai dapat keluar dari bilik-bilik labirin dan sekilas melihat jalan keluarnya dari atas.

Isi kepalaku penuh dengan pikiran-pikiran tentang meninggalkan Melbourne, ingin putus dengan pacar, ingin pulang ke Berastagi, ingin meyelesaikan skripsi tepat waktu, ingin kerja sebelum meninggalkan Melbourne.

What am I supposed to do? I want to be a strong girl. I don’t want to give up. No!

Love doesn’t mean that you have to have ur lover beside you.

I know he loves me so much, but I don’t think that he is the right man. I don't have the reason for saying that, I can just feel it.

(Dockland, 18 December 2009)

(I will miss Hawthorn for sure)

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Cerita Kegalauan Jiwa Part 1

Aku tau itu tidak baik pada awalnya, tapi aku tidak peduli. Aku terjebak dalam kenyamanan dan aku senang. Nuraniku kenal ada yang tidak baik, itu makanya ada kegundahan. Tapi aku tidak peduli hingga pada puncaknya aku tersesat. Tersesat ke alam yang tidak kukenal. Ia pada awalnya mengundangku pada kenyamanan yang fana, tapi kini aku terjatuh. Dalam… dalam sekali ke jurang kekelaman. Aku tidak tahu di mana aku berpinjak sekarang, semuanya gelap, hanya ada terawangan. Gundah gulana tak ada sebabnya. Kini wajahku menjadi sembab, pucat, dan kusut. Aku hilang! Tapi aku tidak menjerit atau menangis. Aku hanya menyesali rongga waktu yang telah ku sia-siakan.

Didalam keramaian aku menemukan kepekatan. Aku tidak tahu apa yang kucari disana. Tapi itu memang bukan tujuanku. Aku hanya terpana pada kemegahannya. Ia menjeratku. Telah dalam sekali aku dibawanya ke dalam kesesatan. Ia sendiri fana dan fantasi. Ia memanipulasi duniaku. Ketika aku tidak kenal lagi arah, nurani ku berbisik dengan kencang. Seketika aku sadar, ingin lepaskan jeratan ini. Dosa yang memikat dan lezat. Adalah cobaan yang dahsyat.

Hidupku bukanlah untukku. Aku diingatkan kembali pada hal itu. Menepiskan keegoisanku dan memandang jauh ke bawah. Aku tidak pernah menggantungkan hidupku pada siapapun. Kalau pun aku sering menyusahkan, itu hanya lah kebiasaan burukku. Karena dengan begitu aku bisa merasakan kehadiran orang-orang disekelilingku.

Berapa lama lagi aku harus menunggu agar dapat keluar dari lingkaran ini? Ini bukan lingkaran setan, tapi aku tahu itu buruk. Dia tidak dapat membuatku bahagia. Cinta saja tidak cukup untuk memilikiku. Dia lebih mencintai dirinya daripada mencintaiku. Hm… paling tidak aku mendapat suatu pelajaran dari sini. Setidaknya aku telah belajar bagaimana cara memahami orang. Egois.. ugh manusia memang mahluk egois. Aku egois. Tapi aku mau belajar bagaimana caranya supaya tidak egois, aku akan dengar bisikan Tuhan. Aku akan berbicara pada Tuhan. Aku akan cerita sama Tuhan. Karena hanya dia yang bisa mengerti.

Melbourne, 17 December 2009

(Si Gadis yang Gundah)

(This is Me)
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