When you know exactly what you want, and you strive hard for it, it will certainly come to you.
I still believe in the power of dreams and hopes.
You are what you think you are.
You will eventually become your vision of yourself.
Some people call it "The Law of Attraction"
Just like one of
Paolo Coelho famous quotes “
When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.”
Even if it doesn't come straight away, just keep trying, coz you'll never know when the door is just one step away. You just need to keep positive about your dreams, coz when you do, you are just half way through it.
And if it does not happen, look at around you. God might have planned the better way for you to reach your long term vision. Open your eyes! And remember to keep praying because God will answer you just in three ways: yes, yes but not now or I have a better plan for you.
Even if you failed many times, don’t give up! You need to get failed sometimes just to keep yourself humble. Failure will make you remember how hard it is to get all the things that you have right now. That way you’ll learn how to appreciate your life.
Just be patient, stay still, and
stay strong!