Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Being a Travel Writer

This is not really a brand new news.
I got my writing about traveling to Sri Lanka published on Cosmogirl Indonesia January 2013 edition (2 pages full color of my pictures and my stories).
Previously my piece of writing about the same topic was also published in the Indonesian website for backpackers called ransel kecil (http://ranselkecil.com).

I personally feel so great for being a (temporary) travel contributor.  Although when I went to Ubud Writer and Readers Festival last Oct 2012, I learn that those travel writers (include the Lonely Planet ones) actually earn  less money (unless ur book is booming like Eat, Pray, Love). Yet I just looove both writing and traveling. Thus, being a travel writer (even without getting money from it) is the best job to meet those hobbies.

Here is the picture of my Sri Lanka trip on Cosmogirl Indonesia magazine.

This is the link to read my writing about Sri Lanka in Ransel Kecil website: http://ranselkecil.com/catatan/berpetualang-ke-negeri-ceylon/

Frankly, I am not aspiring to be a travel writer (I am aspiring to be a policymaker =) ), but I just love to contribute my writing stories in the sphere where public could read it. The fact that many people read my travel stories creates such a gleeful feeling for me.



Friday, 7 June 2013

Life Update (Asian Youth Forum 2013 and Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund)

I have not really updated my blog for long.
In short, there are two things that make me happy lately. Let’s start with the first one:

From 29 May - 2 June 2013 I was in Cambodia to attend the Asian Youth Forum (AYF) 2013 held by Asian Youth Council and Union of Youth Federation in Cambodia (UYFC). It was not expected, but I made a presentation and speech there in front of 400-ish participant. I stand in the same stage with PM. Hun Sen who made his speech for the forum in the morning. It was such an honor for me to be in the same stage with him.

The second is my project Youth Ecopreneruship (YEP) camp has been selected (between 681 proposals from 119 countries) as the preliminary finalist for the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF), a grant provided by the US Department of State for the Alumni of any of their scholarship programs. I hope me and my team could make it until the very final. If you are one of the state alumni, please kindly vote for our project by clicking this link https://alumni.state.gov/node/3905  (remember you need to register first).

For more information about YEP camp check this link:

Website             : www.yepcamp.weebly.com
Twitter               : www.twitter.com/YEPcamp_ID
Facebook          : www.facebook.com/YepCampIndonesia



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