Unlike most Indonesian, I think I never have a problem with
Hopping from one country to another country, I don’t have
problem making new friends
Build my comfort in the most strangest places
Adjusting with the culture and their way of living
Exploring the foods
Learning a new language
Falling in love with the city
And leave with teary eyes and one promise that I will be
I left home when I was 17 to pursue my study in another
island of Indonesia
Three years later I went to Australia for the first time as
I was awarded a full scholarship for an exchange study
Since then there is no turning back
I keep hoping from one country to another country
Even when I had my full time job
Even when I have to risk my relationship
As once I left a freshly new relationship to travel for 2
I also had a 5 years long distance relationship
Distance does not matter for me
Traveling is my life. It makes me happy. It keeps me alive
Its been 7 years, more than 30 countries visited, lived in 5
different countries
Australia for almost 3 years now in total
Thousands of friends, hundreds of flights, dozens of flings,
few boyfriends and uncountable tremendous memories
I guess there is a time for everything
I feel incredibly grateful that I could go to so many
countries (most of which sponsored)
Not everyone have an opportunity like I do
Not everyone got a chance to see beautiful places I have
been to
I have to admit that I am blessed
But there is a time for everything
It strucks me lately that the idea of traveling does not
tickle me that much anymore
I guess I am saturated
I used to be a person who likes to travel to see touristic objects
Then I turned into a person who travel to explore culture
and broaden my knowledge and perspective
And then I travel only if I have strong reasons where I
could contribute to society (volunteers, conferences, presentations).
This morning he said ‘I cant bear my heart broken if you
decided to leave. Distance is harsh.’
I have got a list of things I ought to do which of course involves
a lot of traveling
But probably I have to write down settle down on the list
Maybe if I decided to settle, it is not for forever because I
know my heart will always ponder to explore and to be out there
We crave to understand what else the world could offer to us
The beauty that we have yet to see
But settle for the time being sounds ticklish
Daniel and I during the first day of Spring in Australia |
Canberra, 7 September 2016