Thursday, 19 October 2017

Letting Go

We should never be together on the firsthand

When two broken souls are still trying to mend down previous sorrows

They said I should be happy on my own company

But I like it with yours

But when you take me to swim in the ocean of uncertainty

I knew that I should pull myself from this temporary excitement

It is unreal and my heart starts beating too fast again

We both know that you are still yet to do discover many things in life

And I ought to fix my ‘state in mind’

That none of us are ready

So I think it is once again applicable that things happen for a reason

In this case, for the betterment

Denpasar, 19 October 2017


Tuesday, 3 October 2017

I Choose To Be Strong

I have been dealing with my anxiety for the past few years. I think the first time I notice the symptom was in 2011 when everything about life was uncertain. However, it became more obvious in 2013 when I was diagnosed with a non-life treating illness that postponed my graduate study for 6 months. The past three years I spent in Australia, I realise it was an anxiety all these time that I am having.

Having moved to Bali and recently broken up (again), I thought everything was just ok until my short romance collapsed and I started having panic attact during our stressful conversation. It was not even too stressful. I was just worried too much.

But you know what, I would not let my anxiety paralyses me! I will stay strong.  I will keep my performance up for my work, contribute to the society and try my best to inspire other people.

I have some strategy to cope with this that I will practise and go through. I will be fine. I choose to be strong!



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