Sunday, 28 February 2010

The last day of February.

On the beginning of this month, I went back to Jakarta to continue my life. So many things happen here. People change, environment change, and many other things. I meet some of my old friend.  Many of them say that I look thinner now.  I think I lost many kg recently. But I always happy to hear that I look prettier now. XD
But I  was thinking how boring is the whole February. Nothing to do beside thesis and preparing my conference trip to Beijing.  It’s killing me. After I finish my thesis outline, I need to find some other work. Otherwise, I’ll die on boringness.
Anyway, every time I browse on the internet, I always open a new tab for a budget airline site. I dunno why I’m so obsessed with going out somewhere very soon. I really wanna graduate soon and travel somewhere out of Indonesia to refresh my mind. I’m planning to go around Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) with my bestfriend or maybe tracking to Himalaya wid my bf. I haven’t decide what exactly I will do after graduate. Probably work in an International NGO (but not to be placed in Jakarta), while hunting a scholarship abroad.  Well, I really wanna go abroad after graduate. I’m sick of Depok and Jakarta.
I lost my spirit lately. I dunno why. I’m getting stress of this thesis. I dun wanna stay longer in uni. It’ll only be happen if I couldn’t finish my thesis this June. Hopefully, it won’t. I think I’ve to pray to God often from now. I know He always open the way when I’m faithfully pray for it. When I’m far with Him, I feel like I’m doing nothing in this earth. But when I’m close I feel the joy, hope and love around me. Yeah, I think He can help me, and only Him.
I still have 4 months to finish my thesis. I know I can. Go girl! You know u can.
Sunday, February 28, 2010

 (I won't represent Indonesia there, but Australia) XD

Beijing, I'm coming!

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Valentine's Day in 2010

That’s the title for this post. But the content is actually not about Valentine 'sDay because there is nothing special about this year Valentine's day because my boyfriend is far and we couldn’t celebrate it together. But anyway, I just want to write something on this V-day. My friends ask me to celebrate it with them but somehow I feel so so lazy! I just wanna stay at home and continue writing my thesis (or blog?).  

I remember that yesterday I met one of my friends who just went back from Washington D.C.  She told me many stories about those handsome Anglo guys. Unfortunately, she didn’t even get one.LOL! Somehow, her stories remind me of Melbourne. It’s been a month since I left that city. I keep on doing this, counting how many days since I left.  I’ve already get used to with Jakarta’s condition now. My impression toward this city is still the same with when the first time I came here:  dirty, crowded, dusty and selfish.  I wanna move to another part of Indonesia, maybe to the beach area or mountainous place.  But the good thing about coming back here is I can hear all that lovely pop Indonesian songs all the time (exclude that ‘allay’ version). Music industry is developing very fast in Indonesia these days. And I’m glad about that because I appreciate music as a part of art so much. Music is an universal word which can unite all the people in the earth from all the backgrounds.  Oh, my writing is swerving now.

I feel like I am old now and I will lose my uni’s friend soon.. I don’t like to be a last year student. X(

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Cinta Banget Sama Indonesia (I luv u Indonesia!)

Whenever somebody ask me where I come from, I’ll proudly answer them than I am from Indonesia. Although I realize the fact that Bali which is only a part of Indonesia is far more famous than Indonesia it self, but it is my own pleasure to introduce the unique of Indonesia to those who don’t really know or totally blank about it. Actually there’s so much good thing of Indonesia which people don’t really respect about; beautiful lands, unique rare animals, plentiful natural resources, rich forest, beautiful beaches, awesome views, many thousands of wonderful islands, rich of pure cultures, hundreds of languages, friendly people and many else. So many things which  you only can get in Indonesia, but not in any other  places in the world.

However, I realize that most of the youth in Indonesia always complain about something which they think are wrong in this country. I’m not trying to say that criticizing the government is wrong. When we critic the government, it means that we love our government because we care of them. But the problem is when the youth critic the government, they don’t even try to do effort to make a change for the better Indonesia. So now I’m provoking all the Indonesian youth to act. Stop too much complaining, do your task. Act something to improve Indonesia from the very small thing around us. Study well is one of the best effort you can do to your country because education is the only effective sword to fight poverty. We are still a developing country, but we are moving toward a better condition. Together we can handle all the challenge. I know that this is not very easy because even the media has become a defiance. For example these days most of youth influenced by the pop culture which is brought by the fast pace of world’s wide media. Soon, It makes the youth feel inferior when they compare themselves with those foreign cultures especially western culture. Thus, the youth tend to be a western lover in order to make the society appraise them as a modern person. But I'm telling you, we are not inferior at all! All the culture in the world has the same degree. No culture is better than any other culture. Just like all the people in the world is the same. They are just a human who have their excess and weakness. So, stop copying and worshiping other culture. Be your self! Love your self! Love your culture and your country!

Good or wrong is still my country. I am proud of being an Indonesian. I was born in here, grew up in here, and get most of everything in my life here. This land and this people has provided me almost everything in my life. So, this is my turn to express my thankful. Thank you Indonesia!

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