However, I came out into conclusion lately that being mature doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun anymore. I’ve shifted my definition about being mature. In my redefinition, a mature person is a person who knows how to handle problems wisely. When the problem comes, a mature person knows how re-act the best. As the result, the problem that occurs usually brings more value to him/her and the surroundings.
I’ve realized that I didn’t act mature lately. For the last couple of years, I’d been spoiled by getting many things I want easily. It has turned me out to be an arrogant person. So when it didn’t happen as they way I expected, I became so depress. This is where the big problems start.
When facing a serious problem, I know that I can’t only depend on my own understanding, I should seek it through God's wisdom. Moreover, when I depend on other people to solve my problems, the result turns out worse (or even worst). Frankly speaking, I never want to shatter my relationship with those in my inner circle (whom I care the most) by getting them involve too much with my own problems. In fact, the root of my problems is actually in my head. It is about me. It is about how I see the situation and how I opt the opportunities around.
One thing that I learnt from the difficult situation I am having at present is: when u r close to God, u know how to handle your problem wisely. In other words, being closer to God makes you a much better person, a more mature personality. I feel like God is teaching me now how to surrender to Him. And how to feel grateful for whatever I am having right now.
I am now taking steps to get a more intense relationship with God. I think He is just dragging me out, to make me come back to His shoulder. Indeed, when you identify yourself with your relationship with God, nothing in this world could make you feel really despair. Hence, outside God’s willing, nothing is under control.
Lots of Love,