Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Next Target: Continue My Master Degree in U.K.

It’s been two and half months since my first arrival in Melbourne and I did not realize that fact at first. So many things had happened so far which I could not narrate briefly. I admit I've not learned very well as I enjoy this condition so much. I did not realize that I was trapped in a comfort zone until a few days ago, a friend woke me up.

Uliph: "Ha, Why do u rarely go on fb lately?"

Ha: "Oh Dear, I'm so busy with assignments. I'm sorry. And you know what? I've to do the TOEFL test by the end of this November. The worse thing is I have not study yet. I even forget what kind of test it will be.

Uliph: "TOEFL? What for? I though you've got good IELTS score and you do not need other test anymore. "

Ha: "Yeah, I know. But I'm thinking about my master's degree. I'm hunting for a master's degree scholarship now on. "

Uliph: ~speechless~

OMG, she hit me straight. I know that I've been trapped in a false comfort. I'm stuck in fun but unnecessary things to do without thinking about my future life.
Things were going worse when I saw the status of my friends from my Home University (the University of Indonesia) in which they were busy working on thesis and stuffs.

I think I should have thought about my future plans before. But it’s not to late. I’ll think about it now. If I have choices, I would choose to pursue a master's degree in one of the countries in Europe. Among them the most country that I really want is English. The reason is logical:
1.      Social sciences in the UK referred to one of the most advanced.
2.      The language used is English (of course it is, because the country’s name is U.K. anyway XD ) plus.. They have an elegant accent, I supposed.
3.      Many tourist attractions in U.K. which are extremely nice and I really wanted to visit. Thus, if somehow I get bored with my study I can just leave and go travelling around U.K.. (But apparently it won’t be that easy, LOL).
4.      My family and friends will be very proud of me because I can continue my study in U.K..

But now the problem is about the cost of living. Everyone just knows that currency of Pound sterling is high. Therefore, from now on I'm hunting a scholarship to U.K.. I am not lying. The picture that you see below can proof my commitment.
Also, look at the video above and you'll understand why I really want to continue my study in U.K.


A proverb says' Where there is a desire, then there is a way. ". Therefore from now on I rounded  my willingness to continue my master in the UK, doing my best to come true and do not forget to pray Because I believe Good things will come on the right time.


Olivia D. Purba

What had happened these days?

I feel so lazy go to campus today. Maybe not only today, but often. Yesterday I was thrilled with the 'bad things that happen with my assignment group'. YUB, it was bad but for some reason so memorable in my heart. We celebrate the completion of  the presentation by eating ice-cream together. Ack ... I'm happy with what had happened.

Anyway, my boyfriend and I are lack of money now. Poor students. What a strange coincidence because last night we saw two pieces of 10 dollars cash were flying in the streets on our way home. Oh finally we were able to cover the cost of eating in the restaurant that night.

And again two of my best friends in Melbourne are facing dilemma with their boyfriends.
Ah,  what was it?
Muddle everything.
I’ll explain in more detail after I come back home later. Wanna go to uni now. 

(Me and Sumi ~One of my group assignment friends~)

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Brighton Beach That Evening!

            Pagi ini aku bangun dengan perasaan kacau balau. Kacau karena gak tahu apa yang akan kuhadapi besok. Balau karena merasa tidak berbuah dengan baik di Australia. Aku akan meninggalkan Australia bulan January nanti dan harus menyusun skripsi etc, etc. Sekarang ini kegiatan sehari-hari banyak kuhabiskan jalan-jalan ke luar dengan sahabat-sahabatku dan paling banyak sama pacarku. But he is just so silly that makes me feel like I have another  young brother that I have to look after him.  Terus aku juga baru sadar kalau aku udah lama gak ngubungin Mom. Dad ama Mom juga udah lama gak sms aku. Kayaknya meraka ngambek. Entar aku telepon ah!
            Kemaren aku menghabiskan pagiku di rumah dengan room mateku, siangnya study group, sorenya menghabiskan senja di pantai sama sahabatku,  terus makan malam sama cowokku. Pulang-pulang udah jam 11 aja, ngecek fb bentar terus sebelum jam 12 tidur. Besok paginya (a.k.a sekarang) aku baca novel bentar, ngetik buat blog terus habis ini belajar dikit baru kuliah. Rutinitas yang menyenangkan. Besok aku mau spend satu harian di perpus buat belajar ah. Aku sedikit sedih dengan nilaiku di sini yang gak gitu bagus. Soalnya aku gak belajar dengan baik di sini. Aku masih sering telat dan malas ngulang pelajaran.  Padahal kuliah udah berakhir bulan depan. Aku harus belajar! Aku harus belajar! Btw, hari ini aku mau ke pantai lagi, tapi pantainya beda. Kalo kemaren aku ke Brighton beach, hari ini aku mau ke Frankston beach!  Let’s go gurl!

I think I look good in dis pic!

This girl was hurt by her 'crush'

Sleep on d sand and a huge rock while waiting for sunset n hearing jazz music wid My Best Friend was d best thing I did that evening




 Colorful   houses



I can see Eureka Tower from here!


Monday, 12 October 2009

Celebrate My Life in Melbourne

So now I am here, sitting in front of library computer and writing my thought while waiting for my bf to finish gym so we can go home together. I spend much of my time today stayed at home and doing unimportant things such as staring at my laptop's monitor, trying new dishes, eating orange wid the acid spice, go online in the internet and stuff. The most productive thing that I did today was only finished reading my novel as it could give me some inspiration (although you can't count me as a productive witter now)

Overall I so much enjoy my life in Melbourne. All I had done in Melbourne are only about fun things (traveling, shopping, chatting, eating, sleeping, watching movie, reading novel, then afterwards waiting for my scholarship money to come so I can repeat the same things again and again). Alrite, I admit that I am not doing study very well here. Study is out of my to do list. Thus, I am afraid that I'll be sunk into the deep blue ocean (hei, I just remember that one of my friend told me that there's no ocean around Melbourne). I realize that actually the purpose of Government of Australia send me here not for enjoying Melbourne (hmm...maybe part of their purpose but not the main). I also concern about my thesis since it seems like almost all of my friends in Indonesia has started their topic yet I am not. Well, I should care about this as I'll return to Indonesia in the next 3 months. However, presently I still enjoy my togetherness with all the person that I meet here; my boy friend, my best friend, my room mate, my house mate, my class mate, and all my friends instead...

I love my boyfriend because he is just another kind man. He love to be himself and never pretend about anything in front of others. Different wid me, he doesn't has a great big ambition. He can be happy only by ordinary things around him. Another thing I like on him is his attention and care to all small things around him. And the most, he makes me feel special for him.

I love my best friend because she always shows her care on me. She is unselfish person,cheerful and spoo friendly. She loves to share all of her secret and story wid me. We did, do and will do traveling together and that's one of our most favorite hobby ever. We got the same ambition and we have the same way of thinking. I've already known that I match wid her ever since I met her for the first time on that orientation day.

I love my room mate because although she is younger than me, she is wise and also understandable. She makes me laugh each second when we spend our leisure time on our messy but lovely room. We share almost all things together especially blanket and foods. She is such of religious person and I really appreciate her in that kind of thing. She pulls me back to the right things every time I (always by mistake) ignored the present of God around me.

At the end, I love all my friends here. I love d communities that I have joined. I like d people whom I met and talked with. I enjoy myself, I enjoy my life. Thanks God for giving me the right things in the right time. Let's celebrate our life. Cheers!

(Spring Flowers In front of My House) 

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Enlightment From My New Scent

Hari ini aku berangkat ke kampus dengan parfum baruku. Rasanya bau-bauannya membuat hidupku lebih segar. Sekarang ini lagi nunggu jeda kuliah sambil dengar lagunya Kate Miller-Heidke 'The Last Day On Earth'. Lagunya lagi popular sekarang di Australia. Tapi aku akui lagunya bagus dan tonenya menarik. Cek deh..


(Jangan lupa Stop Playlist MixPodku dulu) 

Setelah ini mau masuk kelas Media in Australia. Dari mata kuliah ini aku sadar betapa berbedanya Media di Indonesia dan Australia. Media di Indonesia itu terlalu bebas sehingga akhirnya malah gak etis dan menurtku (yang percaya dengan teori copy-cat audience) malah membuat para penonton menyerap yang salah. Media di Indonesia terlalu vulgar dan tidak terkontrol. Hmm… mungkin ada baiknya aku menulis satu artikel khusus tentang ini nanti. Sekarang ini aku udah terlalu banyak travelling di Melbourne. Aku agak enek juga sih. Jadi aku berjanji dengan diriku untuk berhenti kebanyakan facebook, berhenti menghabis-habiskan uang untuk makan di restorant, berhenti hanging out, dan melakukan hal-hal yang selfish. Jadi aku berganti dengan menulis blog, membaca novel, memasak makananku sendiri dengan resep coles, membaca Alkitab tiap hari, menulis artikel dan mencari kerjaan di Melbourne. Come on Uliph! Don’t waisting your time.

Anyway tadi aku berbicara dengan seseorang dari Christian Union. Setelah mengobrol sedikit banyak, rasanya aku memang menemukan diriku benar-benar selfish. Hubunganku dengan si pacar sebenarnya without purpose. Kenapa aku masih sama dia infact aku sebenarnya bisa jadi teman dengannya cuma karena aku menikmati kebersamaan dengannya (dan juga aku gak ingin dia sedih kalau aku putusin karena dia selalu selalu lucu kalau tersenyum). Selanjutnya aku berpikir untuk putus sama dia juga bukan karena Tuhan. Pasalnya dan sejujurnya aku juga agak jauh dari Tuhan belakangan ini. Aku ingin putus sama dia karena yakin bahwa Mom gak bakal setuju kalau aku sama dia oleh karena perbedaan budaya dan keyakinan. Sebenarnya yang paling esensial adalah keyakinan. Aku bisa saja yakinkan ke Mom kalau dia adalah lelaki yang benar walaupun dia bukan dari suku Karo kalau dia Kristen. Masalahnya sekarang dia bukan orang Karo dan dia bukan Kristen. So, totally out of criteria. Walau dia dengan senang hati menjadi Kristen kalau aku pinta, tapi bukan itu yang aku hendaki. Aku gak mau orang memilih agama karena cintanya padaku sebab aku tahu itu cuma sementara. Buat apa dia milih agama kalau dia gak mengikutinya. Jadi lebih baik dia melakukannya dari dalam hatinya sendiri tanpa ada carmpur tanganku. Aku sendiri percaya kalau aku hanya akan bahagia menikah dengan orang yang seiman denganku. Karena aku yakin cinta eros itu hanya sementara. Tapi kalau dia punya cinta agave, cintanya akan terus ada, Karena Tuhan itu abadi dan cinta yang datang dari Tuhan pun begitu adanya.

So, I decide to eliminate my selfishness, think clearly, take a deep breath, and then congest my brave to say about all the stuff. That it’d be better for us to be a friend, although it will be hurt us so much, or maybe too much…


(Be Wiser Girl, Avoid Selfishness) 

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Am I Miss Selfish?

           (Miss Selfish)
           Hari Minggu di Melbourne, aku stay di rumah sampai nunggu jam tiga baru berangkat ke geraja dan malamnya jalan sama Mas Bayu. Kebetulan dapat dua tiket gratis dari teman untuk Melbourne Fringe Festival, yey!!

          Selama menunggu waktunya, ada baiknya aku menulis sesuatu di blogku. Alrite, akan kumulai dengan perasaanku belakangan ini. Jujur saja aku merasa hidupku gak berguna belakangan ini. Aku mengerjakan sesuatu untuk menikmati hidupku dan aku merasa useless. Sejujurnya aku gak mau hidup untuk diriku sendiri. Memang dulu aku mendambakan kondisi seperti ini, aku pergi ke satu tempat yang mana semua orang berbicara bukan dalam bahasa Indonesia,  dimana aku ketemu dengan orang-orang yang gak pernah ku kenal sebelumnya dan merasakan kondisi yang totally baru. Tapi sekarang aku udah bosan dengan kondisi ini, pengen kerja, cari duit dan ngerjakan sesuatu hal yang berguna seperti yang ku lakukan waktu di Indonesia. Kurasa dengan Ronaq pun aku menjalankan sesuatu yang tanpa tujuan juga. Pada akhirnya aku sadar bahwa amat sangat sulit jika aku harus menikah dengannya. Padahal tujuan dari pacaran kan pernikahan. I finally found my Prince but unfortunately, we won’t able to be together.  Semua yang ada dalamku dan dia benar-benar berbeda, hobby, kebiasaan, latar belakang, suku, kepercayaan, sudut pandang, cara berpikir. Kemaren aku bertanya sama dia,

Uliph: “Honestly, I don’t feel that close to you”
Dia: “What? But I feel so close to you.”
Uliph: “You never tell me about your background, your family, your childhood.”
Dia: “Why should I tell you when I don’t have good background?”
Uliph: “Because it makes people feel close.”
Terus dia mulai bercerita tentang masa lalunya yang memang complicated.
Dia: “I don’t like to go out, I prefer to stay at home. I don’t make many friends because I don’t like battle.”
Uliph: “We are opposite. I love to go out, I love to have many friends.”

Dia: “Olivia, are you serious with me or you just want to spend your time with me?”
Uliph: “ I am serious with you.”
Dia: “So, if your Mom say No, it’d be over.”
Yes, it’s true. And it’s almost a certain that she’ll say no.
Dia: “If we can marry each other, then no point to meet each other. We should  stop seeing each other.”

          Then I keep on silent. Dari awal aku tau kalau sepertinya agak mustahil bersama dia kalau aku tetap ingin membina hubungan yang baik dengan keluargaku dan adatku. Kini aku tahu kalau aku yang egois. Aku merasa sedih waktu menduga kalau dia cuma ingin menghabiskan waktu denganku, tapi giliran dia serius dan aku balik ditanya aku tidak bisa menjawab. Sepertinya memang aku yang cuma ingin menghabiskan waktu dengannya, cuma ingin menikmati kebersamaan dengannya. Betapa egois.  Mereka menyarankan aku mengakhiri hubungan dengan dia secepatnya karena kalau aku tetap bersamanya akan sangat sakit ketika akhirnya harus berpisah.  Should I?

          Anyway, pada awalnya aku berpikir kalau semua orang senang dengan traveling. Semua orang bakal senang berpergian ke tempat yang gak pernah di kunjungi sebelumnya dan mencoba hal-hal yang baru. Kini aku sadar tidak semua orang seperti itu. Karena setiap orang punya latar belakang yang mengkonstruksikan pikiran mereka. Tapi, aku senang dengan kenyataan bahwa aku senang travel dan making friends. It makes my mind open.
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